Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Updated pics - Happy Gardenville

The First Harvest - added to dinner 5/26/09

The STAR of the Soda Pop Bottle Garden!
The Pop Bottle Garden
Pop bottles... milk jugs... whatever it takes!
Green Beans - produced beans even without transplanting outside of a 4" pot
and More Broccoli
Misc untransplanted plants ... corn is about 18" high
Green Beans
Cucumbers - VERY happy!
And More Cucumbers
Green Beans that were either transplanted (on the right), or started in 1 gal pot from seed (left)
The lone Pea plants (2-3) pot on the left is from original seedlings - pot on the right was started directly in this pot.

... How does your Garden Grow? ....

I'll have to take updated pics, but wanted to update the status. We've got green beans ready to pick... large blooms on all of the cucumber plants. One bloom on a tomato plant. The tomato plants are growing like wildfire in their soda containers. The birds made off with my pepper and ocra seedlings, so I'll have to replant those. Considering putting those in soda bottles as well. Corn is still hanging in there, but desperately needs to be planted in 1-2 gallon planters. I have been lazy and haven't purchased any more potting mix, so the garden has suffered a scoch - but will have a lifely comeback this week!

Stay tuned for updated pics tonight.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hardended or not - we're 100% outside!

Home-made 'topsy-turvy' Tomato planters

Onions - and struggling remaining corn seedlings


Struggling pea plants - hopefully they'll recover

More Brocolli

Green Beans


I'm not known for being particularly patient - so the whole 'hardening off' process basicly consisted of moving the plants outside 3 evenings, and bringing them back in... before I decided it was warm enough, and the wind had subsided enough to give the plants their breathing room -- which means they're totally outside plants now.

My very dear friend Julie was kind and gracious and gave me MANY planters that I could use last night, and so I spent the evening transplanting as much as I could before I ran out of dirt.... well, almost out of dirty anyway.

I've got 2 tomato plants in my home-made "topsy-turvy" containers (2 liter soda bottles), and I think they will work FABULOUSLY!

The lettuce is all transplanted, the broccoli, 3 of the green bean plants (they each need a 1 gal container) - and 2 of the poor pea plants. I think the excessively long time the peas were inside before they could be transplanted may be their undoing. If they don't show signs of a quick comeback, I may scrap them and replant directly in their final planter. Still need to plant the Ocra for Tim, and decide whether the corn is going to be worth the trouble. It needs such a large container (and a lot of dang dirt), that I'm not sure I'll go down that road this year, considering most of the seedlings have died.

The carrots don't like me (why is it that my FAVORITE vegetable didn't cooperate?)... not sure if they'll be replanted. The cucumber plants are flourishing, so I'm sure we'll have a plethora of them soon.

I also posted to Craig's list looking for free 1 to 3 gallon plastic containers, and got 4-5 great leads - I shouldn't have to buy another container ever.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hardening Off

Ok, so it was warm enough last evening to set alllll of the seedlings (can you really call a plant that is 2 ft tall a seedling?) out on the patio to start the hardening off process. They were only out there for an hour or hour and a half before it was dark and I brought them all back in ... only to find that a bird had been snacking on the leaves of one of the cucumber plants ... sheez... now I gotta figure out a way to deter the birds.

I'll be building the rest of the planter boxes this weekend - and hopefully getting the rest of the potting mix I'll need to finish up this project. Tomato plants are just about ready to be put into the 2 liter soda bottles and head outside.

I'll post more pics after the planter boxes are built.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Where oh where is the REAL Spring?????

Ok, every time I think it might be safe to go ahead and put some of the plants outside, they forecast SNOW. S N O W --- it's a four-lettered word. These snow pics were taken around 5pm 3/28/09. These were the absolutely the LARGEST snowflakes I have ever seen in my life -- and then 24 hours later, it was all gone -- all of it ... it was amazing.
Updates: I recycled old hanging baskets and 6" flower pots into pots for the cucumbers. There are three cucumber plants in each planter, and they all seem rather happy... but ready for outside.

I was on the hunt for planters or inexpensive options last week, and ended up settling for transplant trays, as another interim, for the corn plants, green beans, and peas. They were far too large for the starter tray, and were beginning to suffer. Those that have been replanted into the larger (4") peat pots are thriving.

When Tim and I were out Saturday we purchased some onion starters (Georgia Sweet Whites) at Porter's Hardware in Kearney - we were still hunting wood pellets for our camping trip this coming weekend (none left). I also opted to purchase 2 walpaper wetting trays, and have planted the onion starters in one. The other is currently holding the lettuce and brocolli plants which were transplanted from the starter tray into 2 1/2" peat pots with Miracle Gro planting mix. They did not handle the move well, but none are showing signs of complete defeat - yet. Both of those trays are on the floor next to the sliding glass door, so they are getting as much light as possible right now.

Next order of business (although I doubt I'll get it done before we leave on Thursday) is to finish replanting the corn and green beans into the one remaining 4" peat tray I have, and possibly replant the tomatoes into 2 1/2" peat pots. I'd hate to loose ground on the seedlings I have by not being home for 4 days.

Updated photos:
Closeup of the peas - vining, with nothing to snag on to!

Brocolli and lettuce replanted into 2 1/2" peat pots - temporary housing.

Remaining plants to be transplanted or potted - some corn, green beans, all of the tomatoes, onions, and carrots.

Corn, green beans, and peas, replanted into 4" peat pot trays. Need to be outside!
Cucumbers, in their final planting - ready to be outside.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Growing in Leaps and Bounds

Ok, yes, me the complete geek, I have a spreadsheet outlining all of the observations, growth measurements, expected harvest dates, etc. of every plant. Additionally - there is a chart showing the growth progress of each plant - which I will share here for my other geeky friends :)

I have researched and researched and researched the best (and most economical) types of containers, and I will be on the hunt to purchase them this weekend. It is clear that the peas, green beans, and corn need to be moved to a more permanent planting VERY soon. I'd hate to loose ground - and seedlings - by leaving them in the peat tray for too long. The roots need to be able to expand.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Am I Seeing Things?

Ok, less than 24 hours after planting, we're already seeing sprouts in the Peas (all pods) and Corn (1/2 of the pods) -- that's like 5-10 days ahead of schedule!